Academic writing Resources

Book recommendation for academic writers

One of our favourite resources for training researchers how to write well in English is a book called Re-writing: How to do things with texts by Joseph Harris, now in its second edition.

Joseph Harris Re-writing: How to do things with texts
Harris, Joseph. (2017). Re-writing: How to do things with texts. (Second Edition). Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.

One way to overcome anxiety about issues of structure and technique when writing in English is to be highly conscious of what you are trying to achieve in any given article or a section of a text. 

This practical and insightful little book helps you to think about strategies to structure your writing by proposing a series of ‘moves’ you can make as you write, depending on what you are setting out to achieve, and the conscious ways in which a text can be being directed towards its objective.

For example, the structure of your writing may vary depending on whether you are summarising the state of a scholarly debate, taking someone else’s idea into new territory, or countering other people’s viewpoints.

You can also watch a short video interview about the book with its author, Joseph Harris.

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